Smart TVs run on software that are controlled by the brands who push updates and this new strategy feels like a trap.News 

This Brand Issues Warning to Customers Regarding New Policy and TV Malfunctions

No, this is not a joke. A well-known TV brand has decided to show its strength by asking its customers to accept its new terms of service or they will lose access to the big screen. Smart TVs run on the internet and require software maintained by the manufacturer, and a brand called Roku is using its power to the fullest by forcing people to accept the terms without giving any way to bypass it.

Things are about to get crazier, as this report suggests, as Roku’s new terms effectively attempt to shield the company from future lawsuits involving its customers. So this means that if any Roku TV owner decides to file a lawsuit and had agreed to these updated dispute terms, they could be legally liable for a fine or some sort of compensation, which sounds ridiculous.

But Roku understands that not all of its customers will be happy to click the accept button, and for those people, the company has given them the option to opt out, which can be done if you send them a physical letter to the Roku General Council.

They must also attach the receipt to the TV they purchased from the company. Roku gives them one month from the day they get this message on their TV screen to appeal the opt-out process.

When you hear such episodes, there is a strong reason for us to go back to traditional televisions that came without the Internet, applications and other smart support. Roku is not available in many markets, but even then such stories do not leave a positive impression of the brand and people may change in different ways when buying its products in the future.

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